News & Reviews

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Wild Asana is a song for the spirit. Alison’s own story– one of interconnection and reverence for nature and other beings- is told in a way that makes yoga and deep connection accessible for all of us. The world needs this book now, and I am grateful to Alison for sharing her beautiful words and opening our hearts.”

 -Beth Allgood, President, OneNature

Wild Asana is inviting, imaginative, and restoring, re-establishing our ancient connection with all of life in an original, welcoming, freeing way. A great way to celebrate an honor our bodies and our world!”

-Sy Montgomery, author of How to Be a Good Creature
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“Alison reminds us and reunites us with the Beings we have been disconnected from in our daily lives…and even in our spiritual practices. Whether we love our pets or wild animals, reading about and visualizing the poses gives us a thinner skin (!) and helps us connect in the space of inter-being so that we may serve ourselves and the world we live in the best way.”

-Nina Rao, Chantress
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“Oh my! Alison Zak’s Wild Asana is beautiful. Authentic. Open hearted. And brilliant. I felt myself allured into yoga in a way simply memorizing the poses never has. She invites a kindred reconnection with the other beings of our community- fishes and mountains and cats- in a spiritual practice of embodiment. All while weaving her own poignant and delightful story, which makes the whole experience of the book accessible and inspiring. Get out your mat, settle down under a tree and read this book. Then engage the yoga poses in a way that can change your whole worldview.”  

-Victoria Loorz, author of Church of the Wild
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“With every page, I felt Wild Asana attuning me to the living connection between the yoga postures I love, the animals they honor, and the heart of humanity. In her paean to the interdependence of the human spirit and the natural world, Alison Zak flows effortlessly between science, poetry, myth, and memoir—reminding us that true yogis are both naturalists and mystics.”

—Anne Cushman, author of The Mama Sutra: A Story of Love, Loss, and The Path of Motherhood and Enlightenment for Idiots: A Novel 
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“Reading this book is like letting a trusted friend take your hand and walk with you. Alison Zak is a wise guide who shows us how to face our deepest questions about the self and others, and humans and animals. Wild Asana teaches us how to live and learn from and with each other in order to bring about balance both within and without. Our bodies- like the hand of a friend in our hand- will lead the way. Combining insightful stories and practical methods, this book is perfect for beginners and experienced yoginis alike. Let its seed go wild in you so you may bloom with beauty and well-being.”

-Cassie Premo Steele, Ph.D., Author of Earth Joy Writing: Creating Harmony Through Journaling and Nature

Wild Asana is a deeply compassionate and playful exploration of how we are still animal and connected to other species in the animal kingdom through asana and nature. It is a profoundly impactful journey that supports a shift in your perspective and includes practices that reanimate the body and spirit, working toward the goal of re-weaving humans back into nature. Beautifully written and thoughtfully designed, this book is a warm and bright companion on the journey back to your wild nature.”   

-Eila Kundrie Carrico, author of The Other Side of the River
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Wild Asana will change the way you see the ways that yoga and animals are connected, and in doing so, just might inspire you to develop a wild asana practice of your own. In this often surprising, deeply felt and wonderfully researched book, Alison Zak interweaves personal narratives of journeys into the natural world with the history of yoga, and the history of human interactions with animals. Each chapter explores the ways that yoga practice, by reminding us that we have animal bodies, teaches us how to view our relationship to animals, to ourselves and to the natural world anew. Once you read this book, you will never consider a dog or the yoga posture of a down dog, or a monkey and the concept of monkey mind in quite the same way again. A must read for anyone interested in the animal world and ways to enlarge their practice of yoga.”

-Leila Philip, award-winning author of Beaverland: How One Weird Rodent Made America

“Part natural history, part memoir, part spiritual reflection, Wild Asana is a delight for the body and mind. A central theme is the importance of humans’ connection with and ethical responsibility toward the natural world. With each chapter devoted to a different animal/pose, Zak elegantly weaves together personal experience and reflection and scientific research to illustrate how yoga constitutes a pathway through which we can realize our connections with other animals, or “beyond-human beings.” At times serious, at times humorous, Zak’s poetic-like prose is welcoming and thought-provoking, resulting in a read to be enjoyed by all, yogi or not.”

-Dr. Erin Riley, Professor of Anthropology at San Diego State University

“Yoga is an ancient mystical practice that has become a mostly indoor pursuit in the modern world. In this delightful book, Alison reminds us of Hatha Yoga’s wild roots, in fact she “rewilds” the practice, bringing her love of animals and the “living earth” so that we can reclaim the primal, untamed energy that gave rise to the practice which has swept the world and become a part of everyday life. What a beautiful invitation to seek the wisdom and the power that our “more than human” relatives have to share and own that that is truly Yoga.

-Micah Mortali, author of Rewilding: Meditations, Practices and Skills for Awakening in Nature
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Wild Asana uses storytelling, personal experience, and research to uncover the tapestry of animal kinship, nature, and the roots of yoga. Equal parts scientific, scholarly, and spiritual, Zak brings us closer to both our divine and animal natures, lovingly detailing their interdependence, and the ways in which the ancient art of yoga intertwines with our humanity. A longtime Iyengar practitioner and animal advocate myself, I applaud this book.”

-Sarah C. Beasley, award-winning author of Kindness for All Creatures

“As a naturalist and wildlife conservationist who’s always been curious about yoga, Zak’s book offered me the perfect entry point to delve into the practice through my love of animals and commitment to conservation.”

-David Mizejewski, Naturalist & TV Host, National Wildlife Federation
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“One definition of yoga is “connection.” In this unique and thoughtful book, Alison Zak muses beautifully on the connections between humans, animals, and the planet—all through the lens of yoga. Readers will finish the book feeling more connected to themselves, their practice, and the world. It’s a worthy addition to any thinker’s library.”

-Sage Rountree, PhD, E-RYT 500, author of Everyday Yoga, coauthor of Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses

“Mix one part lore, one part science, a draught of personal essay, and a dash of yoga, then stir in a bit of mysticism. The result is Wild Asana, a delightful concoction that will help you breathe into the magic and mystery of the natural world.”

-Maia Toll, award winning author of the Wild Wisdom series